During his first drawing class at the plastic art colleges, the 18-year-old young artist feared meeting the teacher who seemed to be the most severe of the teachers in his program.
At the end of this first class full of tests, when the time for the conclusion sounded, he heard with a dry and pinched voice: "Everyone can go out, except you", pointing him.
Sweat in the back, cold, suddenly he felt his blood go two turns. It was with his hands tense that he held his drawing kit as he headed for Céline, his new teacher who was sitting on top of his big desk. The artist really thought he was being scolded for something he would have done wrong without knowing it during the class.
To her great amazement, the teacher’s features softened in an instant when she mentioned that she had never seen this kind of result in nearly 20 years of teaching. She added that he was very good at drawing.
She asked him about his past... He told her about his childhood with a pencil in hand, that he had an artist mother, Diane Beaulieu, and that he already taught drawing to children every week.
Artist’s Note:
"I knew I had some talent, but when you’re young and naive, you don’t realize that your abilities can be way above average unless someone experienced points it out. My own mother told me about it, but I had already understood that a mother would say everything for love..."
The artist is answering question from fan:
Q: Do you draw on your canvas before painting?
A: No I do not draw, I paint directly by hand raised my subject, I find that it allows to feel more spontaneity.
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