Artwork Prints in St-Sauveur

Artistic Approach
They say a picture is worth a thousand words. With a strong background in teaching arts and performance painting, the artist, often featured for artwork prints in St-Sauveur, is inspired by the multitude of visual sensations in our environment. Broken lines, flat surfaces, dots, chaos, and then order. Read more

Pro Bono
The artist, whose artwork prints are often showcased in St-Sauveur, is happy to give back here and there through occasional contributions to charitable foundations. Read more

Past Achievements
- Quebec Champion of Art battle painting
- Invited to paint in front of the Prime Minister of Quebec Bernard Landry for the commemoration of a minister
- Owner and director of a line of art schools for 15 years (up to 4 branches)
- Teacher in the art of drawing and painting for 20 years
- Speaker at the University of Montreal on the use of color for professional artists
- Guest of honor in front of nearly 200 professional and amateur artists in Italy
- He was selected to paint a work of art representing the first ''Canadian tire'' in the world, for the president of Canadian Tire
- Canadian finalist in the top 20 painters of the painting competitions in the country.

Bending the Rules
The artist has the ability to paint with amazing realism, but prefers to distort his art with passion and brutal emotions.